Nominations for the AGM on the 6th October 2010
Nominations received as at 15th September 2010 (closing date)
Eight positions are now subject to election each year since the Article changes passed by the shareholders on July 1st 2010. Eight candidates have been nominated and have agreed to stand. As such, there will be no need for an election for the eight positions available.
Sally Bugden
Heather Dhondy
Jeremy Dhondy
Suzanne Gill
Michael Hill
Graham Jepson
Malcolm Oliver
Andrew Petrie
Sally Bugden – Chairman
Andrew Petrie – Vice-Chairman
Michael Hill – Treasurer
Tournament Committee
The election this year is for three positions serving a three year term of office expiring in 2013 – no election required.
Margaret Curtis (re-elected)
Philip Mason (re-elected)
Andrew Petrie (re-elected)
Selection Committee
The election this year is for two positions serving a three year term of office expiring in 2013 – no election required.
Paul Hackett (re-elected)
Heather Dhondy (re-elected)
Laws & Ethics Committee
The election this year is for three positions serving a three year term of office expiring in 2013 – no election required.
Frances Hinden (re-elected)
Neil Morley (re-elected)
Tim Rees (newly elected)