Thursday, 7 October 2010

Dimmie Fleming Awards, 2010

The English Bridge Union is proud to announce that the following people have been awarded the prestigious Dimmie Fleming award for services to bridge. The awards are made specifically to publicly recognise those who have worked hard promoting bridge locally at County and Club level. This is a momentous occasion, because we have ten winners this year!

The winners for 2010 are:
David & Anne Gilling, Bedfordshire
Dave Harrison, Cambs & Hunts
Geoff Bell, Cumbria
Anne Swannell, Gloucestershire
Derek Rue, Gloucestershire
Mike Minting, Hertfordshire
Bill McCarthy, Oxfordshire
Peter Langston, Sussex
Ted Bond, Yorkshire

Congratulations to all of them.

Photos of this years winners
About the Award
Who was Dimme Fleming?
Past winners