Wednesday, 14 March 2012

75th Anniversary Minibridge Day, London

Children as young as 6 and 7 are being encouraged to play Minibridge in class to help them improve their Mathematics and English.

As part of the EBU’s 75th Anniversary celebrations, three primary schools were invited to demonstrate Minibridge. Pembury School, near Tunbridge Wells; St Christina’s School, Camden; and St Peter’s Eaton Square, London all brought pupils to play. All the children taught and played Minibridge with a number of journalists and other special guests on Wednesday 25 January at the famous Young Chelsea Bridge Club.

Sally Bugden, Chairman of the EBU said: "The English Bridge Union through its Youth and Education Trust has been quietly demonstrating since 2008, how the game of Minibridge can help young people to learn maths and other skills. This work is undertaken with the strong belief that bridge has the most positive effect on society’s health and wealth, as well as being great fun too..”

Thank you to all our guests, and the Young Chelsea bridge club for hosting our event.